Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Film Concept And Synopsis

For my short film, I had to keep in mind many different variables from soundtrack, to setting, to effects and camerawork.


Given my immediate thoughts about the potential storyline that could go in my piece, I had to find a setting that would accompany and accentuate emotions that the viewer could feel. I came to a decision that I would incorporate the outdoors and indoors into my piece, allowing the change in scenery to signify the changing of emotions. The dappled lighting that was present in the park was in my opinion a  metaphor for the beginning of drama as it is trying to break through, as the light attempts to get through the leaves in a tree.

The other part of my setting is indoors, within the girls house. I have made this the other location in the film, as it adds to realism in the piece whereby the majority of people attempting to commit suicide will do it within their own homes, to make it as small a spectacle as possible.

My inspiration for this film came from a St. John's ambulance Directed by Bartle Bogle Hegarty. The way in which he captures the audiences emotions and enables the audience to make an emotional bond with the character is the way I would like my film to be digested.

In the attempt to find the perfect soundtrack for the piece, I looked at many tragedy short films to see the style and genre of music they used. I came to the conclusion that the Cinematic Orchestra's 'To Build A Home' was the perfect soundtrack for my piece, using primarily piano based instrumentals. Due to copyright issues however, I changed it to just the backing track without the lyrics, which gave just as effective an appearance. It was disappointing particularly about having to take out the lyrics 'and now, its time to leave and turn to dust' as they had a great relevance to the events in my piece.

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