Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Conventions of a radio advert

By Definition, an advert is a piece of media designed to entice a viewer into consuming (viewing in my case) another piece of media. Adverts, including radio advertisements use key words and descriptions that would seem attractive to a specific demographic of viewer. For example, they might state that the film is a thriller, to gain the interest of people who might traditionally like horror films.
A radio advert can range between 15 and 60 seconds. In this time, the advert will attempt to sell their product, telling the listener of the qualities that the piece will contain. Music is crucial often to a successful radio advert. This is because without it, the advert would be dry and boring. A slogan is often neccessary in a radio advert, as something that the audience will be able to link with the film, when they are deciding whether to consume it.
The radio advert must contain a unique selling point, so that the consumer will be able to differentiate it from other media products and gain interest.
A Radio advertisement might look to gain demand for their product through the use of four different marketing techniques. These include Humour, Surrealism, Drama and Realism. The form of advertising  is usually however largely representative of the type of film it belongs to.

Humour is the attempt to entice the viewer through making them laugh or feel genuinely good feelings. In radio advertisments, firms might look to make jokes, or say outrageous comments to gain this sort of reaction from the consumer.

Surrealism is the use of different or potentially quite odd subject matter (wording in radio advert), in the attempt to gain the listeners attention.

Drama radio advertisements use hyperbolic language such as the best or the most amazing to attract viewers. By using this language, the viewer will be made to believe that the content is better than any other film.

Realism is the use of terms, linking the film or piece of media with every day life. This will attract the consumer, as they will believe that they can relate to what they are watching.

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