Thursday, 3 October 2013

Short Film Director Case Study - Guillermo Del Torro

For my short film brief, I decided to look into the work of Guillermo Del Torro. Del Torro has been acclaimed as a world famous director, however his career did not start in the Hollywood scene, and instead originated from a short film past.
Guillermo Del Torro

Early Career and Film Making

Guillermo Del Toro was born in Guadalajara Jalisco, Mexico on October 9th 1964. From an early age, Del Toro gained a great interest in film making. His diverse imagination was furthered when he met make up and effects specialist Dick Smith, whom worked on the Exorcist film. With this knowledge from one of the best in his field, del Toro set creating a show reel, starting with short films. When Del Toro reached the age of 21, he was involved in his first feature film as an executive producer. The film was called Dona Herlinda and Her Son. Although Del Toro had higher aspirations in the film world, he was a specialist on make up and effects. As a result, he persisted for 10 years within this line of work.

Del Toro's most significant moment in film came in the form of the film 'Cronos'. The film was a huge success in Mexico and won 9 Academy awards, along with the critics week prize at the Cannes film festival. Following the huge success that came from the 'Cronos' film he was involved with, he moved further afield and began his work on the Hollywood, and more mainstream film line. The first Hollywood film he created was 'Mimic'. Although Del Toro saw huge opportunity in this moment, he was unhappy with the attitudes of Hollywood studios, so formed his own production company in Mexico, which he gave the name The Tequila Gang.

Despite growing as a Director, Del Toro had not yet fulfilled his true potential, but this was to all change in 2001, in the form of Spanish Civil war ghost story 'The Devil's Backbone'. From this film, he was able to distinguish his niche production style. The darkness of the plot combining with the colourful costumes was soon to become his trademark. Blade II followed soon after, and then he came to his most accredited production, which has seen huge success, 'Hell Boy'.

This path that Del Toro took in finding his feet in the film world, and his persistence with his dream that he could make it is why I find Del Toro as a Director, and as a creator so fascinating and inspiring.

Guillermo Del Toro on the Set of Hellboy 2

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