Wednesday, 9 October 2013

St. Johns Ambulance Promotional Video

This shot was essential to the whole piece as it was the establishing shot whereby the entire scene was set and the man finds out the news that he has cancer. The mans reaction is what I find most fascinating within this film, as it shows the reaction of shock in the beginning, but we soon learn that this will change as he finds out the impacts and implications of this problem.

This shot was very interesting, as it is taken just after the man has found out that he has cancer. He is still displaying signs of shock from the news, however his tilted head suggests that he is now processing the information and is beginning to understand the challenge ahead of him. This shot was very important in how I would show my character when she finds out her boyfriend has cheated on her. The reason being that both characters are devastated at the news, but are in the similar phase of contemplation.

Within this frame, the man is telling his wife the news that he has cancer. This moment is perhaps the most interesting of all, and bears the greets amount of emotion. Within this shot, we gather for the first time that there are other parties involved in his struggle and that the news will not only impact on him, but will also greatly impact the lives of his family.

This shot is take from the same sequence whereby the man is giving the news to his wife. The man for the first time demonstrates his true feelings about what is happening, and perhaps having a loved one to share it with has enabled him to fully comprehend that he is not alone in this struggle and the love his family have for him will help him through the difficult times.

The mood soon changes once again within the piece, when the man is having his head shaved by his wife to hide the hair loss from chemotherapy. when his head is shaving, they both share a laugh with one another, which signifies their bond and that even though cancer is a horrible thing, people can still go on with their lives irrespective.

Despite the momentary change in mood of this piece, it quickly changes once again back to the realization of the condition by the audience. The shot shows the man in a hospital undergoing chemotherapy. The lettering above the patient almost alienates them and makes them seem to be lesser, which I found very interesting. This realization occurs within my piece when the girl is sitting in the bath tub, and is holding the blade to her arm. At this moment, the audience are able for the first time in the piece to ascertain what the girl is about to do and the effect that the news she has found has had on her.

This shot is imperative to the piece, as it signals the beginning of the mans recover, after he has undergone surgery. The man is clearly still in a bad state after the stress he has undergone, however, he is improving physically and can now walk freely. 

This shot above and the one below are both shots that accompany the shot showing the man on the treadmill. They show the man doing normal things that he was unable to do whilst he still had cancer, however through the surgery and the rehabilitation he is able to regain normality in his life.

This moment shows a change once again within the narrative, which is perhaps the most shocking moment within the whole film. The man is eating a burger when suddenly he swallows a chunk too big for his throat and is suffocating. This change once again in the plot is completely unexpected and ironic in the sense that it was the food that killed him as opposed to the cancer. This twist can be seen within my piece, when the girl is revived using a defribulator, and is perhaps the most shocking moment in the entire piece.

This is the realization shot in the piece, whereby the audience now understand that the man has indeed died through suffocation. It is an extremely somber and disheartening moment for the viewer, as they have witnessed the struggle this man has gone through to recover, and has been killed by something so inadequate, that could have been prevented had the people around him known what to do in the given situation.

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